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Whereunto is added the Kings Commission for a generall imbargment or arrest of all English, Netherlandish, and Easterlings ships, written in Barcelona the 19 of May 1585.

Was descended from the ancient family of his name, seated at Grace dieu in Leicestershire, and was born about the year 1585 in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. His grandfather, John Beaumont, was Master of the Rolls, and his father Francis Beaumont, one of the Judges of the Common Pleas. Our poet had his education at Cambridge, but of what college we are not informed, nor is it very material to know.

Others she appointed to carry us on their backs to the dry ground, and others to bring our oars into the house for fear of stealing. The site of the colony established in the following year, 1585. When we were come into the utter room having five rooms in her house she caused us to sit down by a great fire, and after took off our clothes and washed them and dried them again.

He was organist of Waltham Abbey in 1540, and remained there till the dissolution of the monasteries, when he became a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal. He and Byrde in 1575 got a patent giving them a monopoly of the printing of music and of music paper, and they printed their own works, which it is a good thing publishers abstain from doing nowadays. In 1585 he died.

Samuel Kiechel, a merchant of Ulm, who was in London in 1585, records that, "news arrived of a Spanish ship captured by Drake, in which it was said there were two millions of uncoined gold and silver in ingots, fifty thousand crowns in coined reals, seven thousand hides, four chests of pearls, each containing two bushels, and some sacks of cochineal the whole valued at twenty-five barrels of gold; it was said to be one year and a half's tribute from Peru."

From the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Year's Truce 1609 By John Lothrop Motley History United Netherlands, 1585 Alexander Farnese, The Duke of Parma

The final result was that Rodolph declined any further intercourse with Dee. He turned a deaf ear to his prophecies, and professed to be altogether void of faith as to his promises respecting the philosopher's stone. Dee however was led on perpetually with hopes of better things from the emperor, till the spring of the year 1585.

Gallant escape of the Primrose from Bilboa in Spain, in 1585 . It is not unknown to the world, what dangers our English ships have lately escaped from, how sharply they have been entreated, and how hardly they have been assaulted; insomuch that the valour of those who managed and defended them is worthy of being held in remembrance. Hakluyt, II, 597.

Later Nicolas de Montreux, better known under the name of Ollenix du Mont-Sacré, a writer of a religious cast, and author of a romantic comedy on the story of Potiphar's wife, composed three pastoral plays, Athlette, Diane, and Arimène, which appeared in 1585, 1592, and 1597 respectively. They are conventional pastorals on the Italian model, futile in plot and commonplace in style.

"Perducas de Pincornay, 26 October, 1585, at noon precisely. Porte St. Antoine." "Very good; it is all right," said he, "enter. Now for you," said he to the second. The man with the cuirass advanced. "Your card?" said De Loignac. "What! M. de Loignac, do you not know the son of your old friend, whom you have danced twenty times on your knee?" "No."