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II. In looking over the Lord's dealings with me as to temporal things, I find that He has sent me, during the past year, In freewill offerings through the boxes, as my part £152 14s. 5 1/4d. Presents in money given to me £25 1s. 3d. Presents in clothes and provisions worth at least £20 0s. 0d. Altogether from the brethren in Bristol £197 15s. 8 1/4d.

In the intermediate period the amount received in the Repeal treasury during four weeks was, £12,379 14s. 9d. About the close of August was passed the Charitable Bequest Act, against the indignant remonstrances of the priesthood and Catholic population of Ireland.

To two smiths, one receiving 4d. per day, and the other 3d. for their wages, from Sunday 23rd of August to Sunday 12th of September, each day being reckoned, for twenty one days, 12s. 3d. Two shoeing smiths by the day, at 3d. Paid to forty-seven sailors of the king for their wages, seven days; each receiving per diem 3d., except seven, each of whom received 6d. per day, 4l. 14s. 6d.

There was every thing in the houses which was needed for dinner, but there were no means to get milk for tea. At four in the afternoon I received the information that 14s. had come in, for some of the things which were disposed of. One of my fellow-labourers had besides disposed of an article of his own for 1l. 5s.

I feel quite comfortable, though in three days I shall have to leave the work for several week. About three hours after I had written the above, came in 1l. 14s. l 1/2d.

He also tells us that the honour of the first effective shot was due to a house in the trade Messrs Payne and Foss by whom "the Aldine Greek Bible was killed off the first in the contest. It produced the sum of £4, 14s. 6d. Thus measuredly, and guardedly, and even fearfully, did this tremendous battle begin."

The Loddon Acc'ts cover the period 1554-1847, some of the donations, or endowments, being made in the 16th and some in the 17th centuries. Robt. These acc'ts run from 1425-1590. For a list of parish properties in 1565, see pp. 460-1. Their yearly rent then amounted to £9 14s. 2d. Sam'l Barfield, Thatcham, Berks, and its Manors , i. 121.

R.W. SETON-WATSON. Corruption and Reform in Hungary. 1911. 4s. 6d. net. HON.C.N. KNATCHRULL-HUGESSON. The Political Development of the Hungarian Nation. 1910. 2 vols. 14s. net. A good exposition of the extreme Magyar Chauvinist point of view. R. MAHAFFY. The Emperor Francis Joseph. 1910. 2s. 6d. A useful character-sketch. C.E. MAURICE. Bohemia. An admirable text-book.

When Fitz returned, then, and after he had paid the little bill of 6L. 14s. 6d. for the glass, Rosa flew to him with her sweetest smiles, and the baby in her arms.

There remained in hand from the former building fund the balance of £776, 14s. 4¾d., which I added to the present building fund, so that on the evening of May 26, 1852, I had altogether £3,530, 9s. 0¼d. Supplies for the School, Bible, Missionary, and Tract Fund, sent in answer to prayer from May 26, 1851, to May 26, 1852.