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It gave to us possession of the high ground. It definitely established our supremacy of the air, and was the turning-point of the whole war. Robt. W. Service. The aeroplane has become so much a necessity to the army that it is difficult to imagine how wars were ever fought without them.

An alternative scheme was to make the first attempt on the mainland at some point between the mouth of the Orinoco and Porto Bello, with the ultimate object of securing Cartagena. Not until some time after the arrival of the fleet at Barbadoes was it resolved to attack Hispaniola. American Hist. Review, vol. iv. p. 228; "Instructions unto Gen. Robt. Venables." Narrative of Gen.

So to White Hall, where the King at Chapel, and I would not stay, but to Westminster to Howlett's, and there, he being not well, I sent for a quart of claret and burnt it and drank, and had a 'basado' or three or four of Sarah, whom 'je trouve ici', and so by coach to Sir Robt.

Bishop Potter is unmistakable, his features bounded by their shadows. From such a start then it is a question of procedure cautiously to that point where the greatest character lies, but beyond which point detail becomes unnecessary to character. The pen portrait of Thackeray by Robt.

15th. From my father's, it being a very foul morning for the King and Lords to go to Windsor, I went to the office and there met Mr. Coventry and Sir Robt. Slingsby, but did no business, but only appoint to go to Deptford together tomorrow. Mr.

At noon over to the Leg, where Sir G. Ascue, Sir Robt. Parkhurst and Sir W. Pen dined. A good dinner and merry.

"James Younger, sentenced Nov. 20, 1876, from Rice county under a life sentence for the crime of Murder in the first degree. Paroled July 13, 1901. Shot himself with a revolver in the city of St. Paul, Minn., and died at once from the wound inflicted on Oct. 19, 1902. "Robt. Younger, sentenced Nov. 20, 1876, from Rice county under a life sentence for the crime of Murder in the first degree.

After Court Anne set out for Abbotsford with the Miss Kerrs. I came off at three o'clock to Arniston, where I found Lord Register and lady, R. Dundas and lady, Robt. Adam Dundas, Durham of Calderwood and lady, old and young friends. Charles came with me. December 23. Went to church to Borthwick with the family, and heard a well-composed, well-delivered, sensible discourse from Mr.

Thence to the Exchequer, and there find the people in readiness to dispatch my tallies to-day, though Ash Wednesday. So I back by coach to London to Sir Robt.

But his sudden death taught the same great lesson with all the examples I give of great men and women. Rev. Robt. Collier always enjoyed the circus the circus was the great place of enjoyment outside, perhaps, of his pulpit work.