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She will be the third in fellowship with us, and several have died in the faith. How has the Lord owned the work, even in this respect! April 14. Today 5l. 0s. 8d. came in for the Orphans, 1l. of which is one of the most remarkable gifts that we have ever had. This brother, who was converted about five years ago, was before that time a notorious drunkard. April 30.

A sister brought from several friends, ten basins, eight mugs, one plate, five dessert spoons, six tea spoons, one skimmer, one toasting fork, one flour dredge, three knives and forks, one sheet, one pillow case, one table cloth; also 1l. In the afternoon were sent 55 yards of sheeting, and 12 yards of calico. December 16. I took out of the box in my room 1s. December 17.

At Caledon, the most distant mountains, as far as your eye can reach, look as clear in every detail as the map on your table an appearance utterly new to European eyes. I gave Sabaal 1l. for his eight days' service as driver, as a Drinkgelt, and the worthy fellow was in ecstasies of gratitude. The child looked like a Caffre, and her father considers her quite a pearl.

These classes prepare ladies to meet the qualifications necessary to enter clerkships and other official departments; to bring them also to a standard to meet the qualifications for post offices and telegraph departments; and also to pass certain examinations open to them. The charge is only 2s. per week 8s. per month 1l. 4s. per quarter.

Accordingly we all met, and after I had laid on their hearts, the importance of keeping to themselves, for the Lord’s sake, the state of the funds, we prayed together. Aug. 30. Lord’s day. Today the Lord has again bountifully opened His hand for the Orphans. There came in with Ecclesiastes ix. 10, 5l.; from a sister, a servant, 10s.; and for rent 1l. 10s.

"In the hall" they find furniture which they value at 1l. 4s.; "in the great parlour" 7l.; "in the little parlour" 3l.; "in the study or boys' chamber" 2l. l3s.; and so on through the other rooms "Mrs. Powell's chamber," as the best furnished of all, counting for 8l. 4s., while "Mr. Powell's study" goes for only 1l. l4s.

Last evening, after the meeting, a brother from Oxford gave me a sovereign for the Orphans; by two other individuals was sent half-a-crown; and by the sale of an article, which had been given many weeks since, but was only disposed of today, came in 5s.: thus, in all, the Lord sent again 1l. 7s. 6d.

I told you of, and this 4s. 2d., I divided among the sisters. But as this was far from being sufficient, and knowing that you had received 6l. 10s. and only sent 5l., I took out of the other funds 1l. 6s. 6d., being all that I could spare, and divided it also.

As there was now again only 6s. 6d. in hand, I gave myself to prayer, and immediately after I had risen from my knees, 1l. 5s. 6d. was given to me, for things which had been sold, being chiefly articles which had been sent from Stafford. There was also a flute left anonymously at my house, this evening. Dec. 6. Today there came in still further 2l. 2s. 6d. Dec. 7. Again 1l. 11s. has come in.

Bland has done what he could, but has rarely found anybody inclined to pay more than 2 per cent., and one irreconcilable actually refused to pay 1l. a year extra to have a 70l. house built for him. The "masther" appears to take a view of the subject which might have been with great advantage more widely distributed among Irish proprietors of the improving sort.