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For instance, at one mill, in Blackburn, where the operatives were receiving 11s. a week for two looms, the proprietor offered to give his workpeople three looms each, with a guarantee for constant employment until the end of next August, if they would accept one and a quarter pence less for the weaving of each piece.

Jones had proved obdurate; no power on earth could induce him to pay the L34 11s. 4d. due on account of tithe. Therefore Mr. Granger, fortified by a judgment duly obtained, had announced his intention of distraining upon Jones's hay and cattle. Jones had replied with insolent defiance. If any bailiff, or auctioneer, or such people came to sell his hay he would kill him, or them.

This toll for cutting seaweed is a regular impost in these parts, sometimes rising for "red weed" and "black weed" to 11s. The latter is used only for manuring the potato fields, the former being the proper kelp weed, and must be paid for whether it is used or not. As a matter of fact, Mrs.

The entire outlay under the Act was £1,676,268 11s. 7d., a part of which was a free gift from the State, the remainder a charge to be repaid by the Unions, by a percentage on the rateable property, which, in the opinion of the Commissioners, should in no case exceed three shillings in the pound.

Stanley Lake was writing the cheque for 200l. meanwhile, and handed it to Larkin; and as that gentleman penned a receipt, the captain continued his eyes lowered to the little vellum-bound book in which he was now making an entry: 'You have handed me a large sum, Mr. Larkin 3,276l. 11s. 4d.

During this year was spent of the funds of the Institution, for missionary objects, the sum of £2,000, 11s. 1d. By this sum forty-five laborers in the word and doctrine in various parts of the world were to a greater or less degree assisted. The total amount of £2,000 was sent to these forty-five servants of the Lord Jesus in 264 different sums.

I propose in the following calculations to assume the average cost of an officer to be £500 a year, a sum which would make it possible for the average combatant officer to be somewhat better paid than he is at present. The normal pay of a sergeant in the infantry of the line is 2s. 4d. a day, or £42, 11s. 8d. a year.

So things being put in order at the office, I home to do the like there; and so to bed. At Barnet for milk, 6d. On the highway, to menders of the highway, 6d. Dinner at Stevenage, 5s. 6d. 6th. Saturday. Spent at Huntingdon with Bowles and Appleyard, and Shepley, 2s. 7th. Sunday. My father, for money lent, and horse-hire, 1l. 11s. 8th. Monday.

In the bankruptcy of Gibbins and Co., in 1825, the creditors received 19s. 8d. in the pound. In the more recent case that of Attwood and Co. they received a dividend of 11s. 3d. Both these cases compare favourably with others at a distance, where dividends of one or two shillings have not been infrequent.

He was a thickset heavy-looking man, florid, with a military moustache, the last time I saw him. His mother is one of the 'rack-rented' tenants you hear of, having been able in ten years to increase her acreage from 74 acres to 376 acres, and her rental from £48, 11s. to £542!" As to the general effect of all this business upon the tenants, and upon himself, Mr. Ponsonby spoke most feelingly.