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Jealousy was, however, aroused among the English nobility at the favouritism shown the Dutch newcomer, and it found strong expression when the King ordered the Lords of the Treasury to issue a warrant endowing Portland with an estate in Denbighshire worth 100,000l., the annual rent reserved to the Crown being only 6s. 8d.

From the favourable state of the weather, and the regular manner in which the work now proceeded, the artificers had generally from four to seven extra hours' work, which, including their stated wages of 3s. 4d., yielded them from 5s. 4d. to about 6s. 10d. per day besides their board; even the postage of their letters was paid while they were at the Bell Rock.

Pounds s. d In Lisbon 15 mille reis per pipe is 1,500 mille reis; exchange, at 6s. 4d. per mille rei . . . . . 475 0 0 Freight to London, then at 3 pounds per ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 0 0 Assurance on 500 pounds at 2 per cent. . . 10 0 0 Petty charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 0 0 ======= 640 0 0

Amongst other schemes afloat to relieve distress in Liverpool was the benefit got up at the Theatre Royal, to which I have referred. The prices of admission were doubled on the occasion. The box tickets were 9s., the upper boxes, 8s., the pit, 6s., and the gallery, 2s.; and the proceeds realised no less a sum than 610 pounds!

Without any one having been personally applied to for anything by me, the sum of £74,132, 6s. 10¾d. was given to me for the orphans, as the result of prayer to God, from the commencement of the work up to May 26, 1855, which sum includes the £15,055, 3s. 2¼d., which was the cost of the building, fitting up and furnishing of the present new Orphan House, and the £23,059, 17s. 8¼d., which was in hand on the 26th May, 1855, for the building fund, and the £116, 17s. 8½d., the balance for the current expenses.

Caxton was buried in the church near which he had worked St. Margaret's, Westminster. He was laid to rest with some ceremony as a man of importance, for in the account-books of the parish we find these entries: "At burying of William Caxton for four torches 6s. 8d. For the bell at same burying 6d." This was much more than was usually spent at the burial of ordinary people in those days.

There is another slip attached to it, showing the interest on this loan to have been lower than several preceding ones. The interest on the loan of 1812 was £3, 5s. 7d., and of 1813, £5, 10s. Second loan of 1813, £5, 6s. 2d.; 1814, £4, 12s. 1d.; 1815, £5, 12s. 4d.; 1819, £4, 5s. 9d.; 1820, £4, 3s. 3d.; and on the present loan, £3, 7s. 6d.

All kinds of fruit and vegetables, except Brussels sprouts, are cheap and plentiful. I will quote one or two prices at random from a market-book: artichokes, l½d. a lb.; tomatoes, 2d. a lb.; beetroot and cabbages, 1s. 6d. a dozen; potatoes, 6s. a cwt. During the season fruit is very cheap.

Here we were very merry and had a very good dinner, my wife coming after me hither to us. Among other pleasures some of us fell to handycapp, Thus, if six persons are playing, and the general stake is 1s., suppose A gains the three tricks, he gains 6s., and has to 'hand i' the cap, or pool, 4s. for the next deal.

BARING GOULD. URITH: A Story of Dartmoor. By S. BARING GOULD. Third Edition. Crown 8vo. 6s. 'The author is at his best. Times. 'He has nearly reached the high water-mark of "Mehalah." National Observer. By S. BARING GOULD. Fifth Edition. 6s. BARING GOULD. MRS. CURGENVEN OF CURGENVEN. By S. BARING GOULD. Fourth Edition. 6s. A story of Devon life.