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And when thou art puffed up with pride and hast also become uncharitable, destruction will soon overtake thee. O my son, there is a current anecdote narrated by the gods. In ancient times, O son, there lived a sage named Valadhi, possessed of great energy. And in grief for the death of a child, he practised the severest penances to have a child that should be immortal.

And when thou art puffed up with pride and hast also become uncharitable, destruction will soon overtake thee. O my son, there is a current anecdote narrated by the gods. In ancient times, O son, there lived a sage named Valadhi, possessed of great energy. And in grief for the death of a child, he practised the severest penances to have a child that should be immortal.

And he obtained a son even as he desired. They said, 'On condition can a mortal being be made immortal. Thy son's life, however, shall depend on some instrumental cause. Thereupon, Valadhi said, 'O chiefs of the celestials, these mountains have been existing eternally, and indestructible, let them be the instrumental cause of my son's life. Afterwards a son was born to the sage, named Medhavi.

And he obtained a son even as he desired. They said, "On condition can a mortal being be made immortal. Thy son's life, however, shall depend on some instrumental cause." Thereupon, Valadhi said, "O chiefs of the celestials, these mountains have been existing eternally, and indestructible, let them be the instrumental cause of my son's life." Afterwards a son was born to the sage, named Medhavi.