United States or Mauritius ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I am truly glad to think I have lighted upon him thus unexpectedly." "What! you did not know where he lived? Well! I thought all the world knew that! Why, men from the univarsities have come all the way, merely to look at the spot." "Very likely," returned the Stranger; "but I am not a learned man myself, and what is celebrity in one set is obscurity in another.

"Why, the majority of the lords, the great body of landed gentry, the univarsities, the whole of the Church of England, the whole of the methodists, amost the principal part of the kirk, the great marchants, capitalists, bankers, lawyers, army and navy officers, and soon."

I am truly glad to think I have lighted upon him thus unexpectedly." "What! you did not know where he lived? Well! I thought all the world knew that! Why, men from the univarsities have come all the way, merely to look at the spot." "Very likely," returned the Stranger; "but I am not a learned man myself, and what is celebrity in one set is obscurity in another.

"Why, the majority of the lords, the great body of landed gentry, the univarsities, the whole of the Church of England, the whole of the methodists, amost the principal part of the kirk, the great marchants, capitalists, bankers, lawyers, army and navy officers, and soon."