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Cicero, Aristotle, Strabonius, and Pliny all speak concerning this subject. Martial and Tertullian noticed this anomaly among the Romans. Aetius and Paulus Aegineta speak of females in Egypt with prolonged clitorides which made them appear like hermaphrodites. Throughout the Middle Ages we frequently find accounts, naturally exaggerated, of double-sexed creatures.

Magitot reported a case of a microcephalic woman of thirty who weighed 70 pounds. Hippocrates and Strabonius both speak of head-binding as a custom inducing artificial microcephaly, and some tribes of North American Indians still retain this custom. As a rule, microcephaly is attended with associate idiocy and arrested development of the rest of the body.

Circumcision, as practiced on the clitoris in the female, is mentioned on page 308. Ceremonial Ovariotomy. In the writings of Strabonius and Alexander ab Alexandro, allusion is made to the liberties taken with the bodies of females by the ancient Egyptians and Lydians.

Strabonius reports that the inhabitants of Cathea brought their infants at the age of two months before a magistrate for inspection. The strong and promising were preserved and the weak destroyed. The founders of the Roman Empire followed a similar usage. With great indignation Seneca, Ovid, and Juvenal reproved this barbarity of the Romans.