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Updated: November 28, 2024
The two chief Egyptian representations of these people, who since they lived in Greece may be called Greeks, though their more proper title would be "Pe-lasgians," are to be found in the tombs of Rekhmarâ and Senmut, the former a vizier under Thothmes III, the latter the architect of Hatshepsu's temple at Dêr el-Bahari. Senmut's tomb is a new rediscovery.
It was known, as Rekhmarâ's was, in the early days of Egyptological science, and Prisse d'Avennes copied its paintings. It was afterwards lost sight of until rediscovered by Mr. Newberry and Prof. Steindorff. In some ways Senmut's representations are more interesting than Rekhmarâ's.
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