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They had also collected on the opposite coast of the Inland Sea a following which seemed likely to grow in dimensions, and, with the idea of checking that result, it was proposed to send troops to the Sanyo-do under Minamoto Yukiiye, who had been named governor of Bizen.

The most far-reaching change effected by Yoritomo was prompted by Oye no Hiromoto, at the close of 1185, when, Yoshitsune and Yukiiye having gone westward from Kyoto, the Kamakura chief entertained an apprehension that they might succeed in raising a revolt in the Sanyo-do, in Shikoku, and in Kyushu.

Since the first flight to Kyushu in August, 1183, their generals, Shigehira, Michimori, Noritsune, and others had defeated the forces of Yoshinaka at Mizushima and those of Yukiiye at Muroyama, so that no less than fourteen provinces of the Sanyo-do and the Nankai-do owned Taira sway, and by the beginning of 1184 they had re-occupied the Fukuhara district, establishing themselves at a position of great natural strength called Ichi-no-tani in the province of Harima.

Kusunoki Kawachi Kojima, Sakurayama, Arii, Yoshikawa Sanyo-do Nawa and Misumi Sanin-do Kikuchi, Matsura, Kusano Saikai-do Doi, Tokuno, Yuasa, Yamamoto Nankai-do Ii Totomi Neo Mino Shinto officials Atsuta This table suggests that partisans of the Southern Court existed in almost every part of the empire. So, in truth, they did.