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Even if they managed to get down to the wreck, what then? Why, they would be dashed against the side of the vessel! Old Ole Koller, Niels's father, came down over the sandbanks. "Who's that out there throwing themselves away?" he asked. The question sounded harsh as it broke in upon the silence and suspense. No one looked at him Ole was rather garrulous.

"We have found him," cried Bruus. "That is Niels's hat; I would know it anywhere." My blood seemed turned to ice. All my hopes dashed to the ground. "Dig! Dig!" cried the bloodthirsty accuser, working himself with all his might. I looked at the rector. He was ghastly pale, staring with wide-open eyes at the horrible spot. Another shout!

"We have found him," cried Bruus. "That is Niels's hat; I would know it anywhere." My blood seemed turned to ice. All my hopes dashed to the ground. "Dig! Dig!" cried the bloodthirsty accuser, working himself with all his might. I looked at the rector. He was ghastly pale, staring with wide-open eyes at the horrible spot. Another shot!

Even if they managed to get down to the wreck, what then? Why, they would be dashed against the side of the vessel! Old Ole Koller, Niels's father, came down over the sandbanks. "Who's that out there throwing themselves away?" he asked. The question sounded harsh as it broke in upon the silence and suspense. No one looked at him Ole was rather garrulous.