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They made him a personification of the inundations of the NILE; ISIS, his wife and sister, that of the irrigated portion of the land of Egypt; their sister, Nephthis, that of the barren edge of the desert occasionally fertilized by the waters of the Nile; his brother and murderer Tipho, that of the sea which swallows up the Nile.

NEPHTHIS was the sister of Isis, Osiris, Typho, and Aroeris, and the wife of Typho; but being in love with Osiris she managed to be taken to his embraces, and she became pregnant. That intrigue having been discovered by Isis, she adopted the child that Nephthis, fearing the anger of her husband, had hidden, brought him up as her own under the name of Anubis. Nephthis was also called NIKÉ by some.

I will now briefly refer to the myth of Osiris, the son of Seb and Nut, the brother of Aroeris, the elder Horus, of Typho, of Isis, and of Nephthis, named also NIKÉ. The authors have given numerous explanations, result of fancy; of the mythological history of that god, famous throughout Egypt.