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Nebuchadnezzar mentions him with respect; and Nabonidus, the last native monarch, restores his shrine at Ur, and accumulates upon him the most high-sounding titles. The moon-god is called, in more than one inscription, the eldest son of Bel-Ninnod.

Nabonidus, on the other hand, seems to have restored Bel to his old position, re-establishing the distinction between him and Merodach, and preferring to devote himself to the former. A similar confusion occurs between the goddesses Beltis and Nana or Ishtar, though this is not peculiar to the later kingdom.

His successors were weak rulers, and their reigns were brief and inglorious. The army was suffered to dwindle, and the dynasty founded by Nabopolassar came to an end in 555 B.C., when Labashi-marduk, the last of the line, after reigning only nine months, was murdered by Nabonidus, a native Babylonian.

The Semitic world was growing old. It was time for a new race of men. The city of Babylon was captured without a struggle. Nabonidus, the last Babylonian king, who had been more interested in religious problems than in defending his own country, fled. A few days later his small son, who had remained behind, died.