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Mardonius offers to complete the conquest of Greece. Effect of Mardonius's address. Xerxes consults Artemisia. Artemisia hesitates. Her advice to Xerxes. Xerxes adopts Artemesia's advice. His anxiety increases. Xerxes commences his retreat. He sends his family to Ephesus. Excitement in the Greek fleet. The Persians pursued. Debate among the generals. Themistocles outvoted.

The circumstance, however, explained to the Greeks an ancient prophecy which had been uttered long before in Athens, and which the interpreters of such mysteries had never been able to understand. The prophecy was this: The Colian dames on Afric's shores Shall roast their food with Persian oars. Mardonius. His apprehensions after the battle. Depression of Xerxes. Mardonius's address to him.

Persian possessions on the north of the Ægean Sea. Promontory of Mount Athos. Dangerous navigation. Plan of Xerxes for the march of his expedition. Former shipwreck of Mardonius. Terrible gale. Destruction of Mardonius's fleet at Mount Athos. Plan of a canal. The Greeks do not interfere. Plans of the engineers. Prosecution of the work. The Strymon bridged. Granaries and store-houses.

Artemisia, after pausing a little to reflect upon the subject, saying, as she hesitated, that it was rather difficult to decide, under the extraordinary circumstances in which they were placed, what it really was best to do, came at length to the conclusion that it would be wisest for the king to accede to Mardonius's proposal.