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Q. Tell me, how are the Mamelouks at Dongola? I related what the reader will find in my Nubian Travels. Q. I understand that you treated with two of the Mamelouk Beys at Ibrim; was it so?

The human aspect is also curious. Palmetto hats, light blouses, and white trowsers form the prevailing costume, even of the clergy, while Germans smoke chibouks and luxuriate in their shirt-sleeves southerners, with the enervated look arising from residence in a hot climate, lounge about the streets dark-browed Mexicans, in sombreras and high slashed boots, dash about on small active horses with Mamelouk bits rovers and adventurers from California and the Far West, with massive rings in their ears, swagger about in a manner which shows their country and calling, and females richly dressed are seen driving and walking about, from the fair- complexioned European to the negress or mulatto.

Hillman, departed from Mourzouk, accompanied by Hadje Ali, brother of Ben Bucher, Ben Khalloom, Mahommed Neapolitan Mamelouk, and Mahomet, son of their neighbour Hadje Mahmud. It was their intention to have proceeded direct to Ghraat, and laboured hard to accomplish their object; obstacle after obstacle was, however, thrown in their way by some individuals in Mourzouk.