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Sacred envoys were sent all over the Roman Empire, warning the various cities to be on their guard against pestilence and conflagrations, with the prophet's offers of security against them. One oracle in particular, an autophone again, he distributed broadcast at a time of pestilence. It was a single line: Phoebus long-tressed the plague-cloud shall dispel.

Joseph cast into the pit; the calling of Samuel; Daniel in the lions' den; these were favourite passages: of the first especially she seemed perfectly to feel the pathos. "Poor Jacob!" she would sometimes say, with quivering lips. "How he loved his son Joseph! With these words she gathered Graham in her little arms, drawing his long-tressed head towards her.

Possibly common people put too much confidence in the verse, and lived carelessly without troubling to help the oracle against its foe; were there not the words fighting their battle, and long-tressed Phoebus discharging his arrows at the pestilence? In Rome itself he established an intelligence bureau well manned with his accomplices.

I will also give him that shows Arjuna to me a number of long-tressed damsels of black eyes and a car unto which shall be yoked white mules. If that does not satisfy the person that discovers Arjuna to me, I shall give him another foremost of cars, made of gold, and having six bulls yoked unto it that shall be as large as elephants.