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'I am Dandie Dinmont, sir, of the Charlie's Hope the Liddesdale lad; ye'll mind me? It was for me ye won yon grand plea. 'What plea, you loggerhead? said the lawyer. 'D'ye think I can remember all the fools that come to plague me? 'Lord, sir, it was the grand plea about the grazing o' the Langtae Head! said the farmer.

'I am Dandie Dinmont, sir, of the Charlie's Hope the Liddesdale lad; ye'll mind me? It was for me ye won yon grand plea. 'What plea, you loggerhead? said the lawyer. 'D'ye think I can remember all the fools that come to plague me? 'Lord, sir, it was the grand plea about the grazing o' the Langtae Head! said the farmer.

"I am Dandie Dinmont, sir, of the Charlies-hope the Liddesdale lad ye'll mind me? it was for me ye won yon grand plea." "What plea, you loggerhead" said the lawyer "d'ye think I can remember all the fools that come to plague me?" "Lord, sir, it was the grand plea about the grazing o' the Langtae Head!" said the farmer. "But, sir, I haena got ony distinct memorial."

'I am Dandie Dinmont, sir, of the Charlie's Hope the Liddesdale lad; ye'll mind me? It was for me ye won yon grand plea. 'What plea, you loggerhead? said the lawyer. 'D'ye think I can remember all the fools that come to plague me? 'Lord, sir, it was the grand plea about the grazing o' the Langtae Head! said the farmer.