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In January 1810 my parents removed to Heimersleben, about four miles from Kroppenstaedt, where my father was appointed collector in the excise. As a warning to parents I mention, that my father preferred me to my brother, which was very injurious to both of us.

George Muller was a flagrant sinner against common honesty and decency, and his whole early career was a revolt, not against God only, but against his own moral sense. If Saul was a hardened transgressor, how callous must have been George Muller! He was a native of Prussia, born at Kroppenstaedt, near Halberstadt, September 27, 1805.

The reason which led me to the publication of the Eighth edition of this Narrative, has influenced me also to publish this Ninth edition. Bristol, March, 1895. &c. &c. I was born at Kroppenstaedt, near Halberstadt, in the kingdom of Prussia, on September 27th, 1805.

I was born at Kroppenstaedt, near Halberstadt, in the kingdom of Prussia, September 27, 1805. In January, 1810, my parents removed to Heimersleben, about four miles from Kroppenstaedt, where my father was appointed collector in the excise. My father, who educated his children on worldly principles, gave us much money, considering our age.