Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: November 25, 2024
"Faix, I'm sorry myself," said Jemmy, "for Terry O'Sullivan said it was an iligant place intirely, an' I wanted to see it." "To the divil wid Terry O'Sullivan," said Barny; "how does he know what's an iligant place? What knowledge has he of iligance! I'll go bail he never was half as far a navigatin' as we, he wint the short cut, I go bail, and never dar'd for to vinture the round, as I did."
"Och well, I was just supposin'. But I'm tould" the many remarkable facts which Paddy had been tould lost nothing in repetition "that they'll sometimes have out a special train for a man in the army, if he wants to go anywhere partic'lar in a hurry; there's iligance for you.
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