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We can learn from them the state of dramatic music at that time in Berlin, Leipsic, Brunswick, Hanover, Koethen; we can form from them some correct idea of the powers of Keiser, Steffani, Graupner, Schieferdecker, Telemann, Gruenwald, and others, then in possession of the lyric stage; we can thus estimate the influences which led Handel from the path that Bach so successfully followed, into that which he pursued with equal success; and though the amount of matter relating to him personally be small, much that throws light upon his early life still remains inaccessible to the English reader.

The Czech with their famous leader Zizka participated in the splendid Polish victory over the Teutonic knights at Gruenwald in 1410, while on the other hand, there were many Poles in the Hussite regiments who so gloriously defended the Czech religious and national liberties in the fifteenth century. Poland and Bohemia were also united several times under a common dynasty.

The grand master, Ulric de Jungingen, was slain, with several hundred knights and many thousand soldiers. There is said to have been a chapel built at Gruenwald, in which an inscription declared that sixty thousand Poles and forty thousand of the army of the knights were left dead upon the field of battle.