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In the flat-jointed kinds, the flowers are developed singly, in notches along the margins of the young, ripened joints; in the knotted, Samphire-like kinds, they are borne on the ends of the branches; and in those with short, fleshy, leaf-like joints, they are usually placed on what appear to be flower-joints.

It is easily grown in a warm greenhouse, and deserves a place in all collections of Cactuses. An erect-stemmed, flat-jointed, robust-growing species. Joints ovate, 4 in. to 9 in. long, with cushions 1 in. apart, composed of short, fulvous bristles, and several long, needle-shaped, unequal, yellowish spines.

A flat-jointed species, growing to a height of 3 ft.; the joints large, almost circular, thinly compressed, and usually purplish in colour. Cushions about 1 in. apart, with spines often 3 in. long, of a greyish colour, and generally pointing downwards. Flowers 3 in. across, bright yellow; they are developed in May and June, on the upper edges of the youngest joints.