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"You may set me down as a fool," said he to Gringalet, caressing him, "if by to-morrow morning I don't give you one of your brother's legs for breakfast." "Are otters really relations of Gringalet?" asked Lucien of me. "Yes; according to Cuvier, they are digitigrades.

"I can scarcely believe that, for Gringalet has short hair, is spotted with black and white, has gray eyes " "Those are only secondary characteristics," interrupted Sumichrast. "Gringalet belongs to the carnivorous type, called by naturalists Digitigrades." "Is Gringalet a digitigrade?" asked Lucien, smiling.

The names of Cuvier’s classes and orders, Plantigrades, Digitigrades, &c., are as much the expression of attributes as if those names had preceded, instead of growing out of, his classification of animals.

It ranks under the 'class' MAMMALIA, because it has teats, by which the female suckles her young; the 'tribe' UNGUICULATA, because its extremities are armed with nails; the 'order' DIGITIGRADES, because it walks principally on its toes.

The names of Cuvier’s classes and orders, Plantigrades, Digitigrades, etc., are as much the expression of attributes as if those names had preceded, instead of grown out of, his classification of animals.