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It pulls at first as much as it can, but seeing the failure of its efforts it does not persevere in this attempt, and comes out to survey the situation. Decidedly the victim is too large and cannot pass through. The Chlorion begins by cutting off the elytra, which maintain it rigid and prevent it from being compressed. This done, it harnesses itself anew and re-commences its efforts.

But this is not sufficient, and the victim still resists. The insect returns, and again examines the situation. Now it is a leg which is placed cross-ways and opposes the introduction of the body; strong diseases need strong remedies, and our Chlorion sets itself to amputate this encumbering appendage.

Paul Marchal, "Observations sur l'Ammophila affinis," Arch. de Zool. exp. et génér., ii. Série, t. x., 1892. Similar cases in which the specific instinct is less powerful and individual initiative greater. Here is, for instance, the case of the Chlorion, where each animal possesses more considerable initiative. It attacks the Cockroach.

These insects are of an extremely varied size, according to age, and as they are also very agile the Chlorion is not certain of being always able to obtain victims of the same dimension. The orifice of its burrow, which it hollows in walls between the crevices of the stones, is calculated on the average size of its victims.