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O virtuous king, one should next repair to the tirtha called Brahmavarta. Bathing in Brahmavarta, one ascendeth to the abode of Brahma. O king, one should then repair to the excellent tirtha called Sutirtha. There the Pitris are ever present along with the gods. One should bathe there and worship the Pitris and the gods.

O virtuous king, one should next repair to the tirtha called Brahmavarta. Bathing in Brahmavarta, one ascendeth to the abode of Brahma. O king, one should then repair to the excellent tirtha called Sutirtha. There the Pitris are ever present along with the gods. One should bathe there and worship the Pitris and the gods.

One should next proceed to Brahmavarta, with concentrated soul and practising the Brahmacharya vows. By this, one obtaineth the merit of the horse-sacrifice, and goeth to the region of Soma. Arriving at Darvisankramana, that tirtha which is worshipped of the three worlds, a person obtaineth the merit of the horse-sacrifice and goeth to heaven.

One should next proceed to Brahmavarta, with concentrated soul and practising the Brahmacharya vows. By this, one obtaineth the merit of the horse-sacrifice, and goeth to the region of Soma. Arriving at Darvisankramana, that tirtha which is worshipped of the three worlds, a person obtaineth the merit of the horse-sacrifice and goeth to heaven.