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Amongst my discreet confidants, I owe much to M. du Boismartin,~ secretary of the Count de Broglie, and to the Count de Broglie himself, whose affectionate heart, when all his efforts to turn me from this project had proved in vain, entered into my views with even paternal tenderness. Preparations were making to send a vessel to America, when very bad tidings arrived from thence.

Done at Commune Affranchie, thirteenth Nivose, second year. Extract of a denunciation of Citizen Boismartin against Citizen Laplanche, member of the National Convention: "The twenty-fourth of Brumaire, in the second year of the republic, the Administrators of the district of St.

Done at Commune Affranchie, thirteenth Nivose, second year. Extract of a denunciation of Citizen Boismartin against Citizen Laplanche, member of the National Convention: "The twenty-fourth of Brumaire, in the second year of the republic, the Administrators of the district of St.

M. du Boismartin was the person sent to Bourdeaux to secure the purchase and equipment of the ship that M. de Lafayette intended for the United States.