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And Saint Lumanus having landed at the aforementioned town of Athtrym, he converted unto the faith of Christ first Forkernus, the son of a certain great man who there ruled, then his mother, a Britoness by nation, and lastly his father, Fethleminus, and in a fountain which by his prayers he produced out of the earth, even before their eyes, did he baptize them and many others.

And these things being done, the holy prelate, in the twenty-fifth year before the foundation of Ardmachia, there builded a church, to the endowment and the enrichment whereof Fethleminus, that faithful servant of Christ, gave by solemn gift Athtrym and Midia, with many farms, and then crossing the river, he builded a habitation for himself and for his people, and there did he piously finish his days.

The ship, without any pilot, sailed against the wind and against the stream, at the bidding of the man of God, and bore him with a prosperous course from the mouth of the Boinn even to Athtrym; and He who formerly turned back the stream of Jordan unto its fountain did, for the merits of Patrick, guide the vessel against the wind and against the stream.