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Pray ask the favor of Colonel Monroe, in page 5, line 17, to strike out the words 'above the mouth of Appamatox, which make nonsense of the passage; and I forgot to correct it before I had enclosed and sent off the copy to him.

My letters have served to report information, and I shall consequently abstain from repetitions. Our forced march saved Richmond. Phillips was going down, and thus far I am very happy. Phillips' return, his landing at Brandon, south side of James and Appamatox rivers.

I have requested General Lawson to collect and take command of the militia south of Appamatox, local impediments was thrown in the road from Hallifax to Petersburg, and precautions taken to remove the horses from the enemy's reach.

Having received a request from North Carolina for ammunition, I made a detachment of 500 men under General Muhlenberg to escort 20,000 cartridges over Appamatox, and to divert the enemy's attention, Colonel Gimat, with his battalion, and 4 field pieces cannonaded their position from this side of the River.