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Updated: August 24, 2024
When you use them roll them up with as much egg as will make them roll smooth; in rolling them up make them about the length of your fingers, and as thick as two fingers; fry them in butter, which must be boiled before you can put them in, and keep them rolling about in the pan; when they are fried through they are enough. To make an AMBLET of COCKLES.
The Ghost had on a helmet and a breastplate. I sat in pale transport. ''Amblet, 'Amblet, I am thy father's ghost. Then came a voice from the dark, silent audience, like a cynical knife to my fond soul: 'Why tha arena, I can tell thy voice. The peasants loved Ophelia: she was in white with her hair down her back. Poor thing, she was pathetic, demented.
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