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Still more striking are the conditions which are on a somewhat higher level and in which the shallowness of the responses, due to the residual disorder of attention, together with the last traces of the affectlessness, are apt to create the impression of a dementia.

Above all, we see that retrospectively very little is remembered of what took place during the stupor, even of such obtrusive events as the moving from one ward to another, tube-feeding, physical examination, the presentation at a staff meeting, and the like. Affect: Complete affectlessness is an integral part of the stupor reaction. Modification of the statement will later be mentioned.

Although her orientation was not seriously affected, there was considerable interference with her intellectual processes, as shown in her wrong answers or her lack of answers when more difficult questions were asked. By her replies she showed a considerable intellectual inefficiency, although, like Anna G., her orientation was not seriously disturbed. Here again there was complete affectlessness.

We gather from these descriptions that the essentials of the stupor reaction are more or less marked interference with activity, often to the point of complete cessation of spontaneous and reactive motions and speech; interference with the intellectual processes; affectlessness; negativism.