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The element wells out hot, from under the neighbouring Kasbah, with a pestiferous mineral aroma. Hither comes, at fixed intervals, my friend Silenus, the water-carrier, on his philosophic donkey; nearly all Gafsa draws its supply of cooking and drinking water from this fetid and malodorous mere. A fine example of French inefficiency, this "abreuvoir."

His point was that his Division had reached the area first and got the pumps into working order, and his instructions were to reserve the troughs for the horses of his own Division. I argued that if our horses did not water in Templeux they would have to do a seven-mile journey three times a day to the next nearest abreuvoir.

The tram stops close to the Abreuvoir, a large artificial tank, surrounded by masonry for receiving the surplus water from the fountains in the palace gardens, of which it is now the only remnant. Ascending the avenue on the right, we shall find a road at the top which will lead us, to the left, through delightful woods to the site of the palace.

Watering Places for Animals. That of the School of Medicine, a superb marble structure, together with the Abreuvoir of the Rue L'Egout, Saint Germain. Public Granary, or Halle du Blé. Necessity gave rise to the noble plan of this stupendous fabric, the idea of which was taken from the people of antiquity. Boulevard.