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«Should recent and pending negotiations lead to a definitive understanding between England and Germany as to the future relations of the two powers in Central and Southern Africa, the future of this continent will all at once have passed into a phase which will be, when compared with the past, as light is from darkness.

But the very fact that for 300 years the flag of Portugal has waved along the East Coast involves the condemnation of Portuguese rule. For what is there to show for it? What use has Portugal made of her acquisitions or opportunities? What effect has she produced upon the destinies of the Continent? What part has she played?

TRABALHOS INGLEZES E NORTE-AMERICANOS: CLOUSTON Clinical lectures on mental diseases; HAMMOND A Treatise on insanity; HAC TUKE AND BUCKNILL A Manual of Psychological medicine; MAUDSLEY Pathlogy of Mind; SPITZKA A Manual of Insanity. De Areteo a Esquirol Confusão dos delirios systematisados com a melancolia A monomania intellectual e as suas fórmas depressiva e expansiva.

This is a fact that will assuredly have ere long to be submitted to the judgment of Europe, and to the guidance of fast developing events.

Julio Diniz começa a reviver na posteridade, e o Diario de Noticias do dia 5 mais nos entalha na alma esta profunda convicção com a seguinte noticia: «Lord Stanley of Alderley está preparando a versão para inglez do lindo romance As Pupillas do senhor reitor, de Julio Diniz.

As upon acceptance of the personal renunciation of the Emperor of Brazil Dom Pedro to the Crown of Portugal, the Cortes of Portugal will have to fix upon that one of the children of the Emperor, who shall be called to the succession of that crown at the demise of the present King: it is understood, that the said Cortes may call to that succession the eldest son of the said Emperor of Brazil or the eldest Daughter in failure of male issue.

Nunca os livreiros venderam tanto exemplar de Bartram's travel in Florida, do Romans's natural history of East and West Florida, do William's territory of Florida, do Cleland on the culture of the Sugar-Cane in East Florida, etc. Tornou-se necessaria a impressão de novas edições. Era um verdadeiro delirio.

It is not necessary just now to consider how or when this question will come to be determined; but the moment of settlement must come, and it will be strange should a power like Portugal succeed in resisting whatever pressure may be brought to bear by circumstances that may and that must arise.

«These figures differ from those of preceding years in this respect that they cover the period of temporary inflation caused by «Moodie's Rush» and the Lydenburg Gold Fields generally. Yet what are the facts?

The determination of that future, under the altered circumstances of the moment, may be said to depend upon three postulates. The one is that England is prepared and resolved to hold her own throughout all the regions that have been directly, or nominally or relatively, under her influence or sway.

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