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This is a fact that will assuredly have ere long to be submitted to the judgment of Europe, and to the guidance of fast developing events.

Ora este dedo parecia delgado, pequeno, feminil. Este indicio era notavelmente vago, mas o mascarado tinha a esse tempo encontrado um, profundamente efficaz e seguro. Este homem, notou elle, tinha o costume invariavel, mechanico, de escrever, abreviando-a, a palavra that, d'este modo: dois TT separados por um traço. Esta abreviatura era d'elle, original, desconhecida.

The determination of that future, under the altered circumstances of the moment, may be said to depend upon three postulates. The one is that England is prepared and resolved to hold her own throughout all the regions that have been directly, or nominally or relatively, under her influence or sway.

It is understood that all | It is understood that all hostilities on the part of | Brazilian Persons or Property Brazil against the Territories, | seized or detained in Ships, and Subjects | Portugal, shall be forthwith of Portugal, have already | liberated and restored; ceased: and that all seizures | or where restitution of Portuguese Ships | of Property is impossible, and Property, heretofore | that Indemnification shall made, shall be restored or | be made.

This has been somewhat of a revelation to English colonists, no less than to foreign nationalities; but it is a fact. That fact is no doubt fully recognised by the German Government, and it is a fact which will be respected. Had it been made manifest a little earlier much misunderstanding, and possibly certain vain aspirations and illusions might have been saved.

N'esta declaração, aliás pouco ingleza, a palavra that acha-se escripta por inteiro. Voltando-se então para M. C.: Porque não apresentou logo este papel? perguntou o mascarado. Esta declaração foi falsificada. Falsificada! exclamou o outro, erguendo-se com sobresalto ou com surpreza. Falsificada; feita para encobrir o assassinato: tem todos os indicios d'isso.

A ironia é a impossibilidade de conciliar os elementos da antithese, ou o contraste mental que gera todo o sentimento comico: tal é o desespero de Hamlet propondo ao seu espirito o problema insoluvel e eterno: To be or not to be that is the question.

Brazilian Subjects where restitution is impossible, | in Portugal, if there that Indemnification | be any other than those shall be made. | already mentioned, shall | be at liberty to return to Also that Portuguese | Brazil with all their Property Subjects in Brazil shall be | or to remain in Portugal at liberty either to return | without molestation. to Portugal with all their | Property or to reside in | Brazil without molestation. |

«To educate is to bring out all the powers that are in the child and to traim him to use them to the best advantage of himself and indirectly of the nation of which he is a part». Minhas Senhoras e meus Senhores: A arte de educar é fundamentalmente a arte de regular a conduta presente e futura dos que se têm de educar.

Este approximou o papel da luz, deu um grito, caiu sobre uma cadeira com os braços pendentes, os olhos cerrados. Ergui o papel, li: I declare that I have killed myself with opium. Fiquei petrificado. O mascarado dizia com a voz absorta como n'um sonho: Não é possivel. Mas é a lettra dele, é! Ah! que mysterio, que mysterio! Vinha a amanhecer. Sinto-me fatigado de escrever.

Palavra Do Dia


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