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This has been somewhat of a revelation to English colonists, no less than to foreign nationalities; but it is a fact. That fact is no doubt fully recognised by the German Government, and it is a fact which will be respected. Had it been made manifest a little earlier much misunderstanding, and possibly certain vain aspirations and illusions might have been saved.

Junto dois pequenos artigos n'este sentido. «Better far have one small German settlement near us than any number of miserable and wretched Portuguese colonies which never have and never can benefit either settlers or aborigines, but which are simply a curse wherever they have taken root on African soil

Deante d'esta simples pergunta desaba todo o edificio do monismo. A vida moral não é cousa que se decomponha em retortas, nem se descobrirá jámais o equivalente mechanico do genio ou da virtude: There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt off in your philosophie

Logo a nação mais feliz não é a mais ricca. Logo o princípio utilitario é a mamona da injustiça e da reprovação. Logo... There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy. A sciencia d'este seculo é uma grandessissima tola. E como tal, presumpçosa e cheia do orgulho dos nescios. Vamos á descripção da estalagem.

Com a robustez do côrpo veio o socêgo do espìrito, e então pude encarar reflectidamente a posição em que o destino me collocara. Pêla conversação repetida com Madame Coillard, pude perceber que não sobejavam recursos ao missionario. O meu marfim, bem pago, mas pago em fazendas a que os agentes da casa Westbeech and Phillips déram subido e exageradissimo valor, pouco produzio. Madame Coillard via um meio de sahirmos do apuro em que est

The determination of that future, under the altered circumstances of the moment, may be said to depend upon three postulates. The one is that England is prepared and resolved to hold her own throughout all the regions that have been directly, or nominally or relatively, under her influence or sway.

Mode of execution of the second Article of the Treaty. Art. 1. The second article of the present treaty shall be thus executed. Art. 2. The King of Portugal voluntarily makes over to His Son Dom Pedro all His Rights in Brazil. Art. 3. The Emperor of Brazil declares his willingness to renounce his personal right of succession to the Crown of Portugal. Art. 4 and secret.

DOCUMENTO N^o 9 The two parts, European and American of the Portuguese Monarchy, shall be considered as distinct and separate. Brazil shall be governed by his own Institutions. The King of Portugal devolves | The Emperor of Brazil upon His Son Dom | renounces for Himself His Pedro all His Rights in | Right of Succession to the Brazil. | Crown of Portugal.

Had Portuguese rule in East Africa shown any sort of vitality or reality no one cherishing any regard for international amity could have any fair plea to desire its displacement. By the ordinary rules of conquest and occupation Portugal has a title to possession sanctioned by three centuries of existence.

Prince Bismarck's last speech to the Reichstag puts all doubt on that point at rest. England, however, having proclaimed her resolve, the course likely to be pursued by Germany is the course of shrewdness and common sense, two qualities that never fail to distinguish the Teutonic mind. Germany will elect to confine her colonising policy within legitimate and accessible limits.

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