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As regards the first two of these premisses, it may, we think, be taken for granted that England means to go thus far, but no further. The power that has impelled the Imperial Ministry to make the present demonstration of its authority in South Africa is the same power that has prevented mr. Gladstone from going as far hitherto.

Em 1817, voltando a Grã Bretanha á carga, alcançou pela convenção de 28 de Julho que fosse adoptado e reconhecido o direito de visita e busca, pelos vasos de guerra britannicos, nas embarcações portuguezas suspeitas d'aquelle trafico, e bem assim a creação de commissões mixtas para julgarem os navios aprezados . Para Canning seria um motivo de verdadeiro jubilo dar n'esta estimulante questão um passo adiante dos de Castlereagh e, conseguindo um prazo certo e irrevogavel para a cessação do trafico de negros entre a Africa e o Brazil, poder exclamar com o poeta seu compatriota: Thy chains are broken, Africa, be free Thus saith the island empress of the sea.

Colquhoun, o representante das Republicas Hanseaticas, respondia a 14 de Fevereiro com o officio em que se destaca este trecho: «The undersigned is instructed further to express the eager desire of the Senates to reciprocate with the utmost sincerity these friendly sentiments, and to state, that the Senate of Hamburgh on the 14th December last, and the Senate of Lubeck on the 21st of that month, appointed M^r Fen Brink their Consul General at Rio de Janeiro, enclosing to him letters of Congratulation on their behalf to His Imperial Majesty, and requiring him to solicit an Exequatur in the usual form, thus proving their early and anxious desire to invite the benevolent dispositions of the Emperor of Brazil, and to facilitate and encourage the commercial Intercourse between the Subjects of His Imperial Majesty, and the Citizens of the Hanseatic Republics

Mode of execution of the second Article of the Treaty. Art. 1. The second article of the present treaty shall be thus executed. Art. 2. The King of Portugal voluntarily makes over to His Son Dom Pedro all His Rights in Brazil. Art. 3. The Emperor of Brazil declares his willingness to renounce his personal right of succession to the Crown of Portugal. Art. 4 and secret.

For the nine months of this year all the imports through Delagoa Bay only reached a value of £56:263, while the exports only reached a total £19:082 being a monthly average of £6:251 in the one case and of £2:120 in the other. Thus, carrying on the average, the entire import trade of the rival port represents, so far, a yearly value £75:014 only. There is not much in these figures to cause dismay.