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There is a field of action open to her in South Africa which only a slight political barrier interposes to shut her out from. We refer, of course, to the area of Portuguese rule. This, it is true, at present is an undefinable area. Portugal has been a colonising power only in name.

O ministro Hurtado, conta Canning n'uma das suas epistolas, portou-se com gravidade proporcionada ao momento, apenas desgraçando a lingua franceza em que discursou. Canning chama a linguagem do diplomata the most unlicensed and arbitrary French, which it is possible to imagine.

Commissioners shall be forthwith named to watch over the execution of the foregoing stipulations relating to Person and Property. Plenipotentiaries shall also be forthwith named to negotiate a commercial Treaty between the two Countries, in which each Country shall be placed by the other at least on the footing of the most favoured nation.

«To educate is to bring out all the powers that are in the child and to traim him to use them to the best advantage of himself and indirectly of the nation of which he is a part». Minhas Senhoras e meus Senhores: A arte de educar é fundamentalmente a arte de regular a conduta presente e futura dos que se têm de educar.

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