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Er hatte grosze Fehler als Regent, groeszere als Mensch, aber die ersteren wurden vor seinen groszen Eigenschaften weit ueberwogen, und das Andenken an die letzteren musz mit dem Toten begraben werden; darum sage ich dir, wenn du, da er nun dort liegt, jetzt noch nachteilig von ihm sprechen hoerst, traue diesem Menschen nicht: er ist kein guter, wenigstens kein edler Mensch." Cf.

But now he knew everything; he had settled down to the pace; there wasn't a possible phase of the discussion that could find him at a loss. There was a kind of Hegelian element in it; in the light of these considerations the American capital took on the semblance of a monstrous mystical infinite Werden.

Four years before, meeting a German comrade in the stalls of a Moscow theater, Berg had pointed out Vera Rostova to him and had said in German, "das soll mein Weib werden," * and from that moment had made up his mind to marry her. Now in Petersburg, having considered the Rostovs' position and his own, he decided that the time had come to propose. * "That girl shall be my wife."

Brouncker is turned away yesterday by the Duke of York, for some bold words he was heard by Colonel Werden to say in the garden the day the Chancellor was with the King that he believed the King would be hectored out of every thing.

But what is not justified is his admiration of himself an admiration so pronounced that it has landed him in a lunatic asylum. Our systems of chronology ought to be recast, cries he; and even as men have dated from A.D., so are they to date from A.N., the year of Nietzsche. Not that he expects immediate recognition: "Erst das Uebermorgen gehoert mir. Einige werden posthum geboren."

Among the heroic qualities notable in Goethe, I reckon his faithful and unflagging industry. Here was a man who took pains with himself, liess sich's sauer werden, and made the most of himself. He speaks of wasting, while a student in Leipsic, "the beautiful time;" and certainly neither at Leipsic nor afterward at Strasburg did he toil as his Wagner in "Faust" would have done.

In 1780 there was published a volume of confessedly spurious letters entitledBriefe von Yorick und Elisen, wie sie zwischen ihnen konnten geschrieben werden.” The introduction contains some interesting information for the determination of the genuineness of the Sterne letters. The editor states that the author had written these letters purely as a diversion, that the editor had proposed their publication, but was always met with refusal until there appeared in London a little volume of letters which their editor emphatically declared to be genuine. This is evidently the volume published by the anonymous editor in 1775, and our present editor declares that he knows Nos.

Thus we have that bad state of things described in an old-fashioned verse, which gives it as the lot of the great ones here on earth to be recognized only when they are gone: Es ist nun das Geschick der Grossen fiier auf Erden, Erst wann sie nicht mehr sind; von uns erkannt zu werden.

But that, that pleases me is, I hear to-night that Mr. Bruncker is turned away yesterday by the Duke of York, for some bold words he was heard by Colonel Werden to say in the garden, the day the Chancellor was with the King that he believed the King would be hectored out of everything.

Denn Spinnen werden oben ein Wohl gar noch meine Mörder seyn.” This poem is a rather successful bit of ridicule cast on the over-sentimental who sought to follow Yorick’s foot-prints. The other allusions to Sterne are concerned with his hobby-horse idea, for this seems to gain the poet’s approbation and to have no share in his censure.