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"There is no place in Paris where you get a better petite marmite than the Ambassadeurs. I have ordered, you see, filets de volaille, pointes d'asperges. The filets de volaille are the backs of the chickens, the tit-bits; the rest the legs and the wings go to make the stock; that is why the marmite is so good. Timbale de homard

To this timbale, if desired for variety, cold meat of any kind cut up fine may be added to the sauce; and one egg, hard boiled, and cut into four pieces. Add the egg, and the pieces of meat which you have removed from the sauce, to the timbale at the same time that you add the mushrooms. This timbale is made in the same way as the preceding one, only substituting rice for macaroni.

Butter small timbale molds or custard cups, dust the bottoms and sides with chopped tongue and finely chopped mushrooms. Break into each mold one fresh egg. Stand the mold in a baking pan half filled with boiling water, and cook in the oven, until the eggs are "set." Have ready nicely toasted rounds of bread, one for each cup, and a well-made tomato or cream sauce.

Innitt from seeing what had happened, but she is watchful if not brainy, and all my efforts went for naught. She was much mortified of course and apologized profusely. All went well until the fish, when one of the two hair-pins turned up in the pompano to the supreme disgust of my hostess, who was now beginning to look worried. Hair-pin number two made its début in my timbale.

Rich white sauce is usually served with it, but not poured over the timbale, as it would spoil the effect of the honeycomb appearance, which is very pretty.

Timbale of Chicken

Loosen the eggs from the cups with a knife, turn each out onto a round of toast, arrange neatly on a heated platter, fill the bottom of the platter with cream or tomato sauce, garnish the dish with nicely seasoned green peas and serve at once. Grease small custard or timbale cups and put inside of each a cooked Spanish pepper. Drop in the pepper one egg.

Il y a dans la troupe une très-grande nacquaire (très grosse timbale). Au moment le chef veut qu'on parte, il fait frapper trois coups. Aussitôt tout le monde s'apprête, et

Little Florence presently began to talk of her goldfish, meanwhile cutting a channel across her timbale through which the gravy ran in a stream. Usually their mother listened to them with a quiet smile; they were well-educated girls, and any mother's heart must have been proud of them. But to-day she felt herself singularly dissatisfied with them.

FOUR ENTREMETS. Orange fritters; Tapioca pudding; Wine jelly; Potatoes a la Lyonnaise. TWO REMOVES. Roast fore-quarter of lamb; Spring chickens A la Montmorency. FOUR ENTREES. Fillets of ducklings, with green peas; Mutton cutlets a la Wyndham; Blanquette of chicken with cucumbers; Timbale of macaroni a la Milanaise. SECOND COURSE. Pigeons; Leveret. TWO REMOVES. Flemish gauffers; Iced Souffle.