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Her cooking was considered the best of all in the city, and her patrons sat at a long common table, neat and clean to the last degree. Peasant style of serving was followed. First appeared Ma Tanta with a great bowl of salad which she passed around, each patron helping himself. This was followed by an immense tureen of soup, held aloft in the hands of Ma Tanta, and again each was his own waiter.

DOÑA MATILDE. No decía yo eso, sino que tanta precipitación ... estas cosas, Eduardo, necesitan siempre pensarse algo. DON EDUARDO. ¡Al revés Matilde! estas cosas, si se piensan algo no se hacen nunca ... porque ... ya ve usted ... a cada paso ocurren nuevas dificultades.

Katy handed the note silently to Clover, and laid her face for a little while among the soft folds of the lace, about which a faint odor of roses hung like the breath of old-time and unforgotten loves and affections. "Shall you?" queried Clover, softly. "Why, of course! Doesn't it seem too sweet? Both our mothers!" "There!" cried Amy, "you are going to cry too, Tanta!

"lo peor que le sea posible, esto es, que me trate desde hoy con el mayor despego, que murmure de en mi ausencia, que se burle sin rebozo de mi familia y circunstancias, que me calumnie, si fuese necesario, y finalmente...." Vaya, está visto, hay que atarlo ... "y finalmente si Matilde algún día cediere a mis votos, y consintiere en recompensar con el don de su mano tanta constancia y cariño, que usted nos niegue entonces y después su licencia, por más que ella lo solicite, y por más que usted mismo lo apetezca, hasta tanto que yo se la pida a usted en papel sellado." ¡Repito que se le fué la chabeta!... "Si usted accede, pues, a mi súplica, y me promete, bajo su palabra de honor, hacer bien su papel, y no confiar el secreto a nadie, en este caso nada me quedará que desear, y estoy seguro que muy pronto se podrá firmar su obediente hijo el que ahora sólo se dice de usted atento y seguro servidor: Eduardo de Contreras."

quoniam tanta stat praedita culpa. Others have admitted two principles, the one good, the other evil. There have also been people who thought the difficulty insurmountable, and among these our author appears to have had M. Bayle in mind.

Then the stern housekeeper would intervene, and check these motions of their minds, haec certamina tanta, turning the more persistent combatants into the street. Next day Mrs. St. After that there would be peace for a while, and presently disturbances would come again. For this establishment it was that Mrs. St. John Deloraine wanted a housekeeper and an assistant.

The High Altar was decorated by the "Tanta Monta" tapestries those famous hangings of the Catholic kings, with emblems and shields, given by Cisneros to the Cathedral.

Cargaron estas tres naues quando tornaron tanta cantidad de oro en aquella isla, que mõto el quinto q dan al rey vn millon y dozientos mil ducados. ¶Andan por alla Moros contratando con naues, y trocãdo cosas de su tierra por oro, y mantas, y especieria, y por clauos y otras cosas.

Dayton looked as if for years he had been bearing the whole weight of a railroad on his shoulders, as in one sense it may be said that he had. "We have been here almost a whole day," said Amy, who had taken possession, as a matter of course, of her old perch on Katy's knee. "Chicago is the biggest place you ever saw, Tanta; but it isn't so pretty as Burnet.

They wanted to send me away to a big finishing school this winter but I begged so hard for one more year's freedom that Daddy Neil consented, but I think he would love to have me know about the things you are learning." "Oh, Tanta, couldn't we make some sort of a bargain?