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What we call the Grand, upper part, was then the Blue. Besides the ministro Escalante, there were in the party eight persons, Padre Francisco Dominguez, Juan Pedro Cisneros, alcalde of Zuni, Bernardo Miera y Pacheco, capitain miliciano of Sante Fe, Don Juan Lain, and four other soldiers. Lain had been with Ribera and was therefore official guide.

My Spanish colleague in 1883 was, as I have said, Don Pascual Gayangos, well known among students for his History of Mohammedan Dynasties in Spain, for his edition of the Correspondence of Cardinal Cisneros, and other historical work. A propos of the examination, he came to see me in Russell Square, and his talk about Spain revived in me, for the time, a fading passion.

Cardinal Cisneros suspended the export of slaves from Spain in 1516, but the emperor sanctioned it again in 1517, to stop, if possible, the destruction of the natives. Father Las Casas favored the introduction of African slaves for the same reason, and obtained from the emperor a concession in favor of his high steward, Garrebod, to send 4,000 negroes to la Española, Cuba, and Puerto Rico.

MONACHISMThe superiority of the monastic over the secular clergyReasons for itOrders of monksThe CarthusiansTheir advancement in agriculture and love of the fine artsTheir seclusion and mode of livingOnly learned men admitted to their orderTheir form of salutationCurious adventure of a lady found in the cell of a CarthusianThe HieronimitesThe Mendicant orders—“Pious works”—The QuestacionDecline of Spain accounted forVows of chastity, poverty, and obedienceHow vow of poverty eludedLa honestaVicar-general of the Franciscan ordersHis immense incomeReligious orders have produced many great and good menCardinal Ximenez de CisnerosHis celebrated BibleCorruption of monastic ordersInsubordination of friars to the bishopsThe JesuitsDeplorable reputation of their literaturePascal, Escobar, Sanchez, and MarianaSuppression of the Jesuits by Charles III.—Their subsequent expulsion by Espartero under Isabella II.—Nunneries, though spared on suppression of religious houses, utterly uselessThe Pope’s attempt to perpetuate them by concordatThe lives of the nuns describedTheir means of subsistence is now precariousConvent de las Huelgas.

He had a basket of clams on his arm, and I asked him where he caught them. That made him laugh, and he said he dug them out of the sand under the wharf. Then he asked me if my name was Cisneros, and when I told him it was not, he said that I looked like a Spaniard, and he thought that that might be my name.

The account he gave Cardinal Cisneros of the island's condition suggested to the Grand Inquisitor the obvious remedy of clothing the bishop with the powers of Provincial Inquisitor, which he did.

Señor Maso is a dear friend and close companion of President Cisneros; so warm is this friendship, indeed, that Cisneros has offered to withdraw from the candidacy in favor of Maso, and Maso has refused to let him do so, declaring that he can serve the republic just as well whether he is President or private citizen. Maso is one of the soldiers who fought in the revolt ten years ago.

The High Altar was decorated by the "Tanta Monta" tapestries those famous hangings of the Catholic kings, with emblems and shields, given by Cisneros to the Cathedral.

The apprentice of the church was irritated at the impudence with which these dressed up popinjays, the apprentices of war, sauntered about the church. Many mornings he would go to the Muzarabé Chapel, following attentively the ancient ritual, intoned by the priests especially devoted to it. On the walls were represented in brilliant colours scenes from the conquest of Oran by the great Cisneros.

"Antonio Herezuelo and Leonor de Cisneros, you are our prisoners," said one who appeared to be in command of the rest; "you are summoned to appear before the tribunal of the Holy Office to answer to certain charges which will there be made known to you." Antonio, though brave as a lion, saw that resistance was useless.