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DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Perdulario mi Eduardo! ¡Y se ha dejado desheredar de diez mil ducados de renta a trueque de casarse conmigo! MARQUESA. Entonces tu Eduardo es un loco de atar, porque.... DOÑA MATILDE. Basta Clementina ... tu marquesado no te autoriza para que me insultes porque me ves ahora pobre ... y mucho más cuando nada pienso pedirte.

On the following day, Don Juan de Vargas, having returned to the city, was promptly visited; and after a polite visit, he was told that he must remain a prisoner in his own house, without leaving it, under a penalty of one thousand ducados.

They value and register these goods, for they pay into the royal treasury of Manila, before the voyage, the two per cent royal duties on exports, besides the freight charges of the vessel, which amount to forty Castilian ducados per tonelada.

* "La Reyna dio a los Frayles mil ducados de renta cado ano para el sustento de los religiosos del santo sepulcro, que es la mejor limosna y sustento que hasta nuestros dias ha quedado a estos religiosos de Gerusalem: para donde les dio la Reyna un velo labrado por sus manos, para poner encima de la santa sepultura del Senor." Garibay, "Compend Hist.," lib. 18, cap. 36.

Some products of that land were found, and a great quantity of cloves. In the factory of the Dutch were found two thousand ducados, some cloth goods and linens, and many weapons, while in many places were excellent Portuguese and Dutch artillery, a number of culverins and a quantity of ammunition, of which possession was taken for his Majesty.

We have already seen that Luis de Leon presented two applications in writing on December 15. Él no la quiso y la Universidad cedió 200 ducados de partido. The date in this case is corroborated by a summons from the Rector of the University: see P. Fr. Luis G. Alonso Getino, O.P., Vida y procesos del maestro Fr. LXXVIII, pp. 479-495, 544-560; , vol.

I pray your Majesty that, in view of these considerations, this favor may be granted, by giving commands that a regular income of two thousand ducados of eight reals may be allowed, as has been requested, for the support of the religious who reside therein.

His Majesty appointed him governor and captain-general of the Filipinas, and increased the annual salary of his office to ten thousand Castilian ducados. Moreover, he made him a knight of the Order of Sanctiago, and gave him a large sum of money with which to meet the expenses of the voyage.

In the same year of ninety-three in which Gomez Perez died in the Filipinas, the Council after consulting with his Majesty, resolved that the office of lieutenant-assessor in judicial matters, which had been filled by Licentiate Pedro de Roxas since the suppression of the Audiencia, should be made more important than formerly in order to facilitate matters; that the title of the office should thereafter be that of lieutenant-general; and that in judicial matters the holder of it should have authority to hear cases of appeal not exceeding the value of one thousand Castilian ducados.