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She had endeavoured to get up some mild excitement with the bishop, but the bishop had been too plain spoken and sincere for her. The Primeros had been odious; the Hepworths stupid; the Longestaffes, she had endeavoured to make up a little friendship with Lady Pomona, insufferably supercilious. She had declared to Henrietta 'that Carbury Hall was very dull.

Cuando el otro día subí a un hidroplano para experimentar la sensación de un viaje por las alturas, tenía ¿como no decirlo? cierta aprensión, algo así como un vago temor a lo desconocido, a lo nuevo, pero pasados los primeros momentos con felicidad me sentí perfectamente confortado y dichoso de sondear los espacios y escudriñar los magníficos paisajes que se presentan a los ojos desde la altura. ¡Oh, que hermosura nadar en la luz, cabalgar sobre las nubes y el viento, divisar el panorama de las ciudades, de las viviendas humanas como un mapa de relieve sobre el fondo de cristal de las aguas, cruzar distancias enormes en minutos, en instantes de un modo imperceptible, emular en todo al pájaro y como el pájaro aterrizar de repente sin fatiga y sin sufrimiento!

It was without a date, and had, she felt sure, been left in her father's hands to be used as he might think fit. She breathed very hard. Both her father and mother had heard her speak of these Melmottes, and knew what she thought of them. There was an insolence in the very suggestion. But at the first moment she said nothing of that. 'Why shouldn't I go to the Primeros? she asked.

I won't stir; unless he has me carried out of the house. 'My dear, I couldn't say that to him. 'Then I will. To go and be buried down in that place for a whole year with no one near us but the rusty old bishop and Mr Carbury, who is rustier still. I won't stand it. There are some sort of things that one ought not to stand. If you go down I shall stay up with the Primeros.

'I shan't run away with George Whitstable; you may be sure of that. I'll tell you what I shall do, I will write papa a letter. I suppose he'll condescend to read it. If he won't take me up to town himself, he must send me up to the Primeros. What makes me most angry in the whole thing is that we should have condescended to be civil to the Melmottes down in the country.

The bills of the performance ran as follows: "El Domingo, 3 de Octobre, de 1880. "Se lidiaran siete Toros los seis primeros de la Antigua y a creditada ganaderia de Don Manuel Bannelos y Salcedo, vecino de Columiar Viejo, con divisa azul turqui, y'el setimo de la de D. Donato Palonimo vecino de chozas de la Sierra, con diviza amarilla."

The Primeros, though the goodnature of the country folk had accorded to the head of them the title of Squire Primero, had been trading Spaniards fifty years ago, and had bought the Bundlesham property from a great duke.

Mrs Primero would have me I know. It wouldn't be nice of course. I don't like the Primeros. I hate the Primeros. Oh yes; it's quite true; I know that as well as you, Sophia; they are vulgar; but not half so vulgar, mamma, as your friend Madame Melmotte. 'That's ill-natured, Georgiana. She is not a friend of mine. 'But you're going to have her down at Caversham.

Estos tres pueblos tienen mas caballada que los primeros y mucho ganado menor. Oraybe

And now she was told that the promise was to be absolutely broken, when it was no longer possible that she could get back to London, even to the house of the hated Primeros, without absolutely running away from her father's residence! 'Then, papa, she said, with affected calmness, 'you have simply and with premeditation broken your word to us.