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But, as a rule, Racine's characters speak out most clearly when they are most moved, so that their words, at the height of passion, have an intensity of directness unknown in actual life. In such moments, the phrases that leap to their lips quiver and glow with the compressed significance of character and situation; the 'Qui te l'a dit? of Hermione, the 'Sortez' of Roxane, the 'Je vais

The old Iron Crown of the Kings of Lombardy was brought from the dust in which it had been buried, and the new Coronation took place in the cathedral at Milan, the largest in Italy, with the exception of St. Peter's at Rome. Napoleon received the crown from the hands of the Archbishop of Milan, and placed it on his head, exclaiming, "Dieu me l'a donnee, gare a qui la touche."

En attendant, j'ai hate de vous remercier de tout ce que vous me dites sur ma situation actuelle et sur l'interet que vous y portez. Je vous remercie egalement de ce que vous avez ecrit sur ce sujet a la fin du dernier numero de la Revue d'Edimbourg. On sent en lisant ce morceau combien celui qui l'a ecrit aime et connait bien la France. Il a ete fort remarque chez nous.

When Micromegas, ah inhabitant of Sirius, whose adventures were evidently suggested by those of Gulliver, accompanied by an inhabitant of Saturn, leaves the latter planet, they are, in the first place, made to leap upon the Ring of Saturn, which they find tolerably flat, "comme l'a fort bien devine un illustre habitant de notre petit globe:" thence they go from moon to moon, and a comet passing close to one of these, they throw themselves upon it, with their attendants and instruments.

"Elle est partie pour toujours, monsieur; elle ne reviendra plus." "Ah!" was my involuntary exclamation; then after a pause: "En etes-vous bien sure, Sylvie?" "Oui, oui, monsieur, mademoiselle la directrice nous l'a dit elle-meme il y a deux ou trois jours." And I could pursue my inquiries no further; time, place, and circumstances forbade my adding another word.

"Nannin, ma'm'selle, 'tis plain to be seen you can't guess what a cornfield grows besides red poppies." Laughing in sheer delight at the mystery she was making, she broke off again into a whimsical nursery rhyme: "'Coquelicot, j'ai mal au de Coquelicot, qu'est qui l'a fait? Coquelicot, ch'tai mon valet." She kicked off the red slipper again.

The woman, who came out in answer to his knock, looked him all over from head to foot, while he explained himself in his best French. 'Tiens, she said, indifferently, to a man behind her, 'it's the people for No. 26 des Anglais M. Paul te l'a dit. Hand me the key.

I hear that the new Duke of Orleans 'a remercie Monsieur de Melfort, and I believe, 'pas sans raison', having had obligations to him; 'mais il ne l'a pas remercie en mari poli', but rather roughly. Il faut que ce soit un bourru'. I am told, too, that people get bits of his father's rags, by way of relies; I wish them joy, they will do them a great deal of good.

"Miladi l'a stupefaite la pauvre petite!" began Josephine; and Kate in consternation asking what was the matter, and Josephine encouraging her, it was all sobbed out.

Lamartine and Victor Hugo had already proclaimed the enfranchisement of French poetical thought from the rigid rule of classical authority; and all the enthusiastic believers in the future glories of the "Muse Romantique" went to the English theater, to be amazed, if not daunted, by the breadth of horizon and height of empyrean which her wings might sweep, and into which she might soar, "puisque Shakespeare l'a bien osé."