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In theEpistel an Goldhagen in Petershage,” 1771, he writes: “Doch geb ich wohl zu überlegen, Was für den Weisen besser sey: Die Welt wie Yorick mit zu nehmen? Nach Königen, wie Diogen, Sich keinen Fuss breit zu bequemen,” a query which suggests the hesitant point of view relative to the advantage of Yorick’s excess of universal sympathy.

Christophe brought to these thoughts a boyish and valiant ardor, and the heroic laughter in it showed forth in the last naive and confident verses: Bist du doch nicht Regente, Der alles fuehren, soll, Gott sitzt im Regimente, Und fuehret alles wohl. Not thou thyself art ruler Whom all things must obey, But God is Lord decreeing All follows in His way.

It was the finale of the night: resuming their pipes; in the highest enthusiasm, amid volumes of tobacco-smoke; triumphant, cloud-capt without and within, the assembly broke up, each to his thoughtful pillow. Bleibt doch ein echter Spass- und Galgen-vogel, said several; meaning thereby that, one day, he would probably be hanged for his democratic sentiments.

But the Brother had removed the hand from his shoulder and was standing with his back to him, looking down the passage. "Naturally, naturally so," he said hastily without turning round. "Es ist doch selbstverständlich. We shall all understand." Then he turned suddenly, and Harris saw that his face had turned most oddly and disagreeably sinister.

Nevertheless friend Teufelsdrockh's outline, who indeed handled the burin like few in these cases, was probably the best: Er hat Gemuth und Geist, hat wenigstens gehabt, doch ohne Organ, ohne Schicksals-Gunst; ist gegenwartig aber halb-zerruttet, halb-erstarrt, "He has heart and talent, at least has had such, yet without fit mode of utterance, or favor of Fortune; and so is now half-cracked, half-congealed."

Glaenzt deine /Urn/ dereinst in majestaets'chen /Pompe/, Dann weint der /Patriot/ an deinem /Katacombe/. Doch leb! dein /Torus/ sey von edler Brut ein /Nest/, Steh' hoch wie der /Olymp/, wie der /Parnassus/ fest! Kein /Phalanx/ Griechenland mit roemischen /Ballisten/ Vermoeg /Germanien/ und Hendel zu verwuesten.

To sneer at superficial differences is to lose all profit from intercourse with other peoples. Goethe is right, "Uberall lernt man nur von dem, den man liebt!" The argument is only all on our side when we are impervious to impressions and to other standards of manners and morals than our own. "Am Ende hangen wir doch ab Von Kreaturen die wir machten"

We may be allowed, however, to observe that the last line "Doch wozu ist des Weisen Thorheit nutz?" literally, Of what use is the folly of the wise? does not convey the exact meaning of Shakespeare. As You Like It. After his defeat at Granson, his fool accompanied him in his hurried flight, and exclaimed, "Ah, your Grace, they have for once Hanniballed us!"

The moments that are evil it eternalizes; the moments that might be good it hurries to annihilation. All that is most precious is most precarious. Vainly do we cry to the moment: 'Verweile doch, du bist so schön! Only the heavy hours are heavy-footed. The winged Psyche, even at the moment of birth, is sick with the pangs of dissolution. "These, surely, are facts, not imaginations.

DU BIST SO SCHON was the unuttered invocation, while the VERWEILE DOCH was deemed unneedful. Little, I am ashamed to own, did I add either to my small classical or mathematical attainments. But I made friendships lifelong friendships, that I would not barter for the best of academical prizes.