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"Don't cry, Yacob," cried Joost, coming to his master's side and shaking him by the shoulder. "You can get oder vives some day besser as dese, yes!" "Joost, I can't help crying I can't. Ven I t'ink how I got to kill dem yet! I hates to kill vimmens." They permitted him to weep and swear for a few minutes.

"Que voulez vous que je fasse," replied the old Frenchman, gruffly. "Je suis j'ai that is, donnez moi passport." "Where do you go?" replied the Consul. "Calai." "Comment diable, speak Inglis, an I understan' you as besser. Your name?" "Lorraine Snaggs, gentilhomme." "What age have you? how old?" "Twenty-two."

Real anesthetist! Ochsner hasn't got a better one! Class, eh? . . . Now, now, Adolph, take it easy. This won't hurt you a bit. Put you all nice and asleep and it won't hurt a bit. Schweig' mal! Bald schlaft man grat wie ein Kind. So! So! Bald geht's besser!"

The professor waved her aside, lifting Jonesy's head as tenderly as a nurse could have done, and motioned the coloured men to lift him up. "No, no, fraulein," he said. "I have had eggsperience. It is besser the poor leedle knabe go mit me!" There was no opposing the old man's masterful way.

The groan was repeated as he spoke, and immediately after they observed a large, sluggish-looking animal, advancing through the underwood. "What a pity we's not got a gun!" whispered Ebony. "If we's only had a spear or a pitchfork, it's besser than nuffin." "Lucky that you have nothing of the sort, else you'd commit murder," said Orlando, advancing. "Don't you see it is a man!"

This first school was succeeded by a second of surpassing extravagance. Hoffman von Hoffmannswaldau, A.D. 1679, the founder of the second Silesian school, was a caricature of Opitz, Lohenstein of Gryphius, Besser of Flemming, Talander and Ziegler of Zesen, and even Francisci was outdone by that most intolerable of romancers, Happel.

That same Johnny Besser who, on account of his theological predilections went by the nickname of "The Reverend," and who could argue until long after midnight over the most profound Biblical problems, that same Johnny Besser, who was perpetually on the water-wagon. There he sat, banging away as hard as he could on the piano!

"An attempt was made, a few years since, to turn the whole country into towns, and, among other places, the Neck; but I believe it will never be anything more than a capital farm." "So besser. Dat good land, I tell you! One acre down dere wort' more dan twenty acre up here." "My grandson would not be pleased to hear you say that, Jaaf." "Who your grandson, Miss Dus.

"It dot besser wenn da regnet?" enquired the housekeeper, looking round the room. She began vigorously wiping her face and neck with the skirt of the short cotton jacket she wore over her red petticoat. Ulrica broke into steady weeping. Fraulein read Psalms, ejaculating the short phrases as if they were petitions, with a pause between each.

"Die sind besser als die Deutschen They're better than the Germans...." But the theatre orderly interrupted us and asked us to "send two or three across." I went to the Prep. to see if there were any new arrivals. It was full once again and the wounded were streaming into the station. It was quite dark outside. The duckboards were lit up by rows of hurricane lamps.