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"What is a horse-carry-chair?" "We', I tay you. Somma lika dis: Two horse one befront, one inhine. Two long stick, and carry-chair in minnle. Usa roop somma lika harness. Dissa way trivvle long distance ole ove' China. "We', nex' day Missa Jan start out faw Tsan Ran Foo in horse-carry-chair. Hed big backage of go' an' sivver. Bye-bye trivvle long tem was pass high tree.

I give you good position; awso money." "And that was how these criminals were converted?" I say, remembering the promise of the story. "Yeh; convert to behead. Dissa case," concluded Fuey, "show how Gaw can convert cliliman when he wish; show how Gaw is glate. I tay you China peoples not heeffen. China 'ligion teach to try to affection one anudder; respec' yo' parents; an' charity an' pure moral.

Up high tree was Chan Tow dissa highrob was vay bad man! Chan Tow up tree to watch to stea' whatta he can, semma lika vutture." "Like a vulture." "Like a vutture big bird eat dead beas' ole he can. "Chan Tow look down on load, and shee horse-carry-chair wif Missa Jan feet stick out. Nen dissa highrob say hisse'f: 'Vay nice feet; lich man. I go fonnow him.

"We', magistrate an' highrob kep' tay ole 'bout expelunces in binniziz." "Business!" "Yeh; binniziz. "Kep' tay ole about binniziz. Bye-bye pea-oil light go out. Oneddy craw' up on bed an' go slip. Nen two men stay an' smoke pipe ole dark. Magistrate closs his legs an' say, ole lika he doan' care: 'Missa Highrob, dissa light go out mek me remin' whatta habben Tsan Ran Foo.

"Yeh; fortune-tayer. Vay low common in China. Go roun' wif ole kine bad peoples. "Magistrate look jussa somma poh fortune-taye. Nen go on load an' trivvle trivvle vay far. Eve'y tem shee a man look lika somma bad man, try mek frien's wif him. But no can fine who mudder. Long tem trivvle 'way intehuh China; but no can fine anyone knows about dissa case.

The driver, a fine looking old man, with massive features and curling gray hair that reminded her of Michelangelo's head of Moses, knowing the nationality of his fare, resolutely refused to speak any other language than English. He would jerk round, flourish his whip, and cry: "Dissa pless St. Moritz Bad; datta pless St. Moritz Dorp."

Kep' look roun'. An' eve'y tem pea-oil light flicker, look roun' to shee who was. Ole tem stop to hol' his ear on flaw shee who come. Flaw rip up; nen go getta shover an' dig long ho' in earf, unnerneaf dissa bed. Nen vay quick shover back ole dissa earf, fix flaw, an' blow out light. "'Ole tem I stay up dissa loof. Vay hunger no wadder; an' cannot rob dissa merchan' becose he dead!

To direct the steps of wanderers in his beloved Engadine was a real pleasure to him. For an instant he forgot that they had both spoken German. "No, no!" he cried animatedly. "For lek him go by village. Bad road dissa way. No cross ze field. Verboten!" Then Helen remembered that trespassers are sternly warned off the low lying lands in the mountains. Grass is scarce and valuable.

Begin snole!" "It began to snow?" "On, no; I tay you. Dissa merchan' begin mekka lika dis." Fuey makes a sound that is unmistakable. "'We', nen look shee whatta dissa woman go do. She go to hooks on wa', an' tek down lot her dresses. Nen I shee man step out. Dissa woman whisper to him: "Shee my husban' slip. He bling back glate many go' and sivver!

Nen say, vay loud: "De-ah wife, letta me in! I am yo' de-ah husban' come home." So bye-bye was daw open, an' his wife come say: "O my de-ah husban'! so denight to shee you!" Nen ole dark. "'Nen I go roun' back his house. Getta long bamboo po', an' putta dissa po' up 'gainst house to shin up dissa loof. Nen cut with knife a litty roun' ho' frough loof, an' look down into dissa house.