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An' bofe was tek out to behead dissa woman ole tem to mek to kiss her beau. "Magistrate say to highrob: 'You know me? Who eata subbah wif you sucha-sucha night? Chan Tow say, 'O yo' Excennency, I doan' know who was! Magistrate say: 'I was dissa man. I glate t'anks faw you. Awso dissa fadder-mudder-in-'aw dissa dead man. Gaw sen' me to yo' house to mek you instlument to convert dissa mudderers.

We hev vay short convisition beggedder, an' he say bling home glate many go' an' sivver mek you habby. Nen left us come shee you. "Nen, vay suddenity, dissa daughter say: 'I fink you ki' my husban', so you can rob! I hev you arres'. "An' she go to magistrate an' mek petition. Say her fadder-mudder to ki' her husban'. Her fadder-mudder bofe vay indignant; but was putta in jai'.

Turning his head slowly, he followed the sky-line, pausing especially when his eyes rested landward on the brown Contra Costa hills, and seaward, past Alcatraz, on the Golden Glate. The wistfulness in his eyes was overwhelming and went to her heart. "That," he said, sweeping the circle of the world with a wave of his arm. "That?" she queried.

"Peter make glate, three, two minutes, only glate burn up every day or two;" and hastening out, he returned with a very large decoy, which, on account of its portentous size, had been made the leader of the "set" when arranged on the ice.

You heard about dissa case? Man nem Jan Han Sun go home his wife no can fine who mudder. Chan Tow smi' vay plou', an' say: 'Oh, my de-ah brudder, I know ole 'bout dissa case. I was to shee dissa man getta ki' in his own houses. Proud. "Magistrate dlaw glate big breff frough his pipe. Swallow smoke clea' down his stomach! Mek big cough nearny cough his top head off! an' wek oneddy!

I give you good position; awso money." "And that was how these criminals were converted?" I say, remembering the promise of the story. "Yeh; convert to behead. Dissa case," concluded Fuey, "show how Gaw can convert cliliman when he wish; show how Gaw is glate. I tay you China peoples not heeffen. China 'ligion teach to try to affection one anudder; respec' yo' parents; an' charity an' pure moral.

Begin snole!" "It began to snow?" "On, no; I tay you. Dissa merchan' begin mekka lika dis." Fuey makes a sound that is unmistakable. "'We', nen look shee whatta dissa woman go do. She go to hooks on wa', an' tek down lot her dresses. Nen I shee man step out. Dissa woman whisper to him: "Shee my husban' slip. He bling back glate many go' and sivver!