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This is disclosed by his own description of his behaviour to a dullard who made his life at Salamanca a burden: 'Acerca del capítulo cuarto, demás de lo dicho digo que creo que este testigo es un bachiller Rodriguez, y por otro nombre el doctor Sutil que en Salamanca llaman por burla; y sospécholo de que dice en este capítulo que le dejé sin respuesta, porque jamás dejé de responder á ninguna persona de aquella universidad que me preguntase algo, sino a éste que digo, con el cual por ser falto de juicio y preguntar algunas veces cosas desatinadas, y colligir disparates de lo que oia y no entendia, me enojaba y le decia que era tonto.

On the whole, however, his hi fruit of contrast, nor the 'burla, for their subject; their aim is merely to give simple and elegant expression to wise sayings and pretty stories or fables. But if anything proves the great antiquity of the collection, it is precisely this absence of satire.

And the proportions of the jest that I was perpetrating afforded me no little amusement. It was a burla not unworthy the peerless gifts of Boccadoro, and a fitting one on which to close his wild career of folly. For had I not vowed that Boccadoro I would be no more once the errand on which I travelled was accomplished? By Cesare Borgia's grace I looked to

Leo, indeed, showed a peculiar fondness for the 'burla'; it belonged to his nature sometimes to treat his own favorite pursuits- music and poetry ironically, parodying them with his factotum, Cardinal Bibbiena. Neither of them found it beneath him to fool an honest old secretary till he thought himself a master of the art of music.

"Two hundred scudi," replied Salvator, carelessly. "Two hundred scudi! Ohime! that is a price! but we'll talk of that another time." The illustrissimo took his leave; but bent upon having the picture, he shortly returned, and again inquired the lowest price. "Three hundred scudi!" was the sullen reply. "Carpo di bacco!" cried the astonished prince; "mi burla, vostra signoria; you are joking!

The 'Hundred Old Novels, which must have been composed about the end of the thirteenth century, have as yet neither wit, the fruit of contrast, nor the 'burla, for their subject; their aim is merely to give simple and elegant expression to wise sayings and pretty stories or fables. But if anything proves the great antiquity of the collection, it is precisely this absence of satire.

Si la comedia pedía un carácter, era preciso no haber pasado los límites de la verosimilitud, pues pasándolos, Matilde no resulta enamorada sino maniática; por eso en varias ocasiones parece que ella misma se burla de sus desatinos: lo mismo hubiera sucedido con don Quijote si no nos hubiera dicho Cervantes desde el principio: "Miren ustedes que está loco."

The passage of the poem containing this injunction is as follows: 'Enimia verges de Dyeu, Messatges fizels ti suy yeu. A nom Burla; vay l'en lay Non ho mudar per negun play. The relics of the saint were destroyed or lost at the time of the Revolution; but high upon the side of a neighbouring hill a chapel has been raised to her, and it is a place of pilgrimage.