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Dolan, when she heard of the evil that had been brought her; "to have the imperence to mention my name!" It was felt, all the country through, to be an impertinence, for anybody to drag anybody else into the mess of troubles which was sure to arise from an enforced connection with a law court. Most unwillingly the circumstances were drawn from Mrs.

Well, I suppose you won't be addin' to their risks by puttin' up much of a dinner for them to-day, Mrs. Brown." He grinned wickedly. "You go on, imperence!" said the lady. Murty, that turkey weighed five-and-thirty pound!" "Sure he looked every ounce of it," said Murty. "I niver see his aiqual he was a regular Clydesdale of a bird!" "I rose him from the aig meself," said Mrs.

Without noticing the remark, Matty moved so as to make herself an effectual screen between Imperence and Martha. "Tell me, dear child," she said, stooping low and putting a gentle hand on Martha's shoulder, "are you not hungry?" "Oh yes," answered the little one quickly; "I'm so 'ungry. You can't think 'ow 'ungry; but I promised to to "

And now he was presuming to doubt Polly, too. Like his imperence! What the dickens did HE know of Polly?

"Oh, Sam," said my wife, sobbing, "why would you take me back to them? they had sent me away before! I only asked the Duchess whether she didn't like rum-shrub better than all your Maxarinos and Curasosos: and would you believe it? all the company burst out laughing; and the Duchess told me just to keep off, and not to speak till I was spoken to. Imperence! I'd like to tear her eyes out."

I'll teach yo to show imperence to your betters. Yo bin allus badly i' want o' soombody to tak yo down a peg or two. Now I'll show yo. I'll not fight yo, but I'll flog yo flog yo d' yo hear? And raising his carter's whip he brought it down on the boy's back and legs.

'Pardon me, madam, it's not so much a hurry we're in as pressed for time, this is a matter of life and death. She turned her attention to Sydney, speaking with a frankness for which, I imagine, he was unprepared. 'I don't want none of your imperence, young man. I've seen you before, you've been hanging about here the whole day long! and I don't like the looks of you, and so I'll let you know.

'Shut your mouth! 'Don't you show me no more of your imperence! Everyone was getting very angry. The dark gipsy faces were frowning and anxious-looking. Suddenly a change swept over them, as if some invisible sponge had wiped away these cross and anxious expressions, and left only a blank. The children saw that the sun really HAD set. But they were afraid to move.

I always propose that toast to the company, and drink Mary to myself. Eh, Mary! 'Get along with you, you wretch, said the hand-maiden, obviously not ill-pleased with the compliment, however. 'Don't go away, Mary, said the black-eyed man. 'Let me alone, imperence, said the young lady. 'Never mind, said the one-eyed man, calling after the girl as she left the room.

The imperence, though! The imperence of sin! A father has no rights, it seems! A daughter is a separate being, and all to that! Well, well! Amazing thick, isn't it?" He was walking up and down the room with his heavy tread, making the floor shake. "Then that woman in Rome I wouldn't trust but she has been putting notions into your head, too. All the new-fangled fooleries, I'll go bail.