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"All I say is, that a gentleman as I've the honor of being acquainted with, 'as been robbed the other night of a pocket-book stuffed with banknotes, and a case of Hirish pistols that he kept to shoot robbers, and sich other wulgar wretches as is to be found nowhere but in Hireland." "Stuffed!" exclaimed the priest, disdainfully; "as much stuffed, ma'am, as you are."

"And very sorry I was," said the lady of the caravan, "to see you in company with a Punch a low practical, wulgar wretch, that people should scorn to look at." "I was not there by choice," rejoined the child; "we didn't know our way, and the two men were very kind to us, and let us travel with them. Do you do you know them, ma'am?"

I spose it was because that wulgar raskle Silvertop WOOD stay in the box. "Friday. I was sleeples all night. I gave went to my feelings in the folloring lines there's a hair out of Balfe's Hopera that she's fond of. I edapted them to that mellady. "She was in the droring-room alone with Lady B. She was wobbling at the pyanna as I hentered.

He winked his eye to denote his extreme satisfaction to Bessie when he thought no one was looking, but was overwhelmed with mortification when he observed that the wink had been seen by the overpowering butler, who looked sternly at him, as much as to say, "'Ow wery wulgar!" "I must congratulate your cook upon her lobster puree, Mrs. Perkins," said Mr. Phillips. "It is delicious."

Halgernon was a barrystir that is, he lived in Pump Cort, Temple: a wulgar naybrood, witch praps my readers don't no. Suffiz to say, it's on the confines of the citty, and the choasen aboad of the lawyers of this metrappolish. When I say that Mr. The fack is, his lordship was so poar, that he would be anythink or nothink, to get provisions for his sons and an inkum for himself.

'Not now, rejoined the lady; 'one of these days. After we're married, dear. 'After we're married! exclaimed Mr. Bumble. 'It wasn't any impudence from any of them male paupers as 'No, no, love! interposed the lady, hastily. 'If I thought it was, continued Mr. Bumble; 'if I thought as any one of 'em had dared to lift his wulgar eyes to that lovely countenance

Then, Signor Billsmethi insisted, as they were so happy, that they should all stay to supper, and proposed sending Master Billsmethi for the beer and spirits, whereupon the two gentlemen swore, ‘strike ’em wulgar if they’d stand that;’ and were just going to quarrel who should pay for it, when Mr.

"Yes, to be sure I saw you there with my own eyes! And very sorry I was to see you in company with a Punch; a low, practical, wulgar wretch that people should scorn to look at." "I was not there by choice," returned the child. "We don't know our way, and the two men were very kind to us, and let us travel with them. Do you know them, ma'am?" "Know 'em, child! Know them!

Farrell, the confectioner, in Lamb's Conduit Street, and it's engaged to two or three evening parties after it leaves this." "Lauk, John! how wulgar you are. What matter can it make to your friends where the windmill comes from!" exclaimed Mrs. Jorrocks in an audible voice from below, Nimrod, with admirable skill, having piloted her down the straights and turns of the staircase.

'I beg your pardon, Sir, replied the crestfallen greengrocer, 'I didn't mean to do it, Sir; I was up very late last night, Sir. 'I tell you what my opinion of you is, Harris, said Mr. Tuckle, with a most impressive air, 'you're a wulgar beast. 'I hope, gentlemen, said Harris, 'that you won't be severe with me, gentlemen.